Beach Bodies

For the past few weeks we’ve been talking to our patients about summer. How summer brings with it all kinds of stress related to having an acceptable beach-ready body. Or, just a vacation-ready body. As the temperatures warm, most people tend to wear less clothing and thus, worry they just won’t look the way they want to while at the beach, swimming pool, etc. This can often lead to social anxiety, isolation, restricting behaviors (which can then lead to overeating/binge behavior due to significant hunger), excessive weighing and overall irritability.

Why do we feel the need to look “perfect” or acceptable to have fun? Why can’t we just vacation at the beach, or wherever, and just enjoy creating the memory? What’s in the way of being a normal human? A human that has a body which engages in thousands of activities every single day just to keep it alive and in homeostasis. The body we live in literally works their butt off just to keep our heart beating, lungs breathing and brain functioning every single second of the day. It’s amazing!! Yet, the media, advertisers, and in some cases influencers, have chosen to tell us that we must focus on the ultimate prize…a perfect body. Thin, tan, muscular and active is much of what the media portrays as perfect. Perfect body, perfect relationships, perfect food choices, perfect feelings, perfect life…..

Friends, this couldn’t be further from the truth. You are a unique individual unlike anyone else on this earth. NO ONE is exactly like you. If fact, your body will always need different food intake, a different sleep schedule a different exercise routine, etc. than anyone else in order to feel and function at it’s best. And, that’s the way it’s supposed to be!!!

My point is this — all bodies are good bodies regardless of what diet culture or your favorite influencer thinks. You have a life to live, memories to make, and gifts to give. If you have an eating disorder, disordered eating, PCOS or any other health conditions and and struggle with body image issues or an unhealthy relationship with food we are here for you. Don’t wait and continue to surf the net for answers. Contact us TODAY to start the conversation. We can help YOU!

Peggy Pratt, PhD, RDN, LDN, CEDS