Summer Tips for Beating the Diet Culture Dumpster Fire

As the weather starts warming up and summertime approaches, many who struggle with body dissatisfaction often start to feel dread. Negative self-talk can emerge where we say things like “I hate my arms and can’t wear a sleeveless shirt”, “I feel fat in a bathing suit”, or “I need to tone up before I can wear those shorts”. Do any of these remarks sound familiar? 

These thoughts can often lead us to engaging in diet culture in all of its various forms whether it’s a new diet fad, calorie counting, weight loss meds, overexercising, etc. What if we were to approach this summer differently? Where we learn to appreciate our bodies and care for them with the love they deserve? What would it look like if we could wear the clothes we want to wear in a size that fits comfortably or be able to enjoy a delicious ice cream cone on a hot day with loved ones? 

Here are some practical tips to ditching diet culture this summer: 

  1. Shift your mindset: Instead of focusing on changing your body or weight loss, focus on what your body does for you and how to make it feel good. 

  2. Find enjoyable activities: Rather than exercising for the sole purpose of weight loss, find activities you actually enjoy. This could be the summer you try an activity you’ve never done before! 

  3. Practice intuitive eating: Learn to listen to your hunger and fullness cues and give yourself permission to eat the foods you enjoy. 

  4. Engage in positive self-talk: Write out positive statements about your body and place them in your room, bathroom mirror, car, wherever you need them to be to remind yourself of your worth. 

  5. Check your socials: Surround yourself with positive influences. Unfollow those who encourage diet culture. Find accounts who promote body positivity and embrace health at every size. 

  6. Implement self-care practices: Take care of your mental and physical health by getting adequate sleep and nourishment, reducing stress, and finding time for the things that fill you up. 

Diet culture is a part of a multibillion dollar industry. At times it can feel all consuming being surrounded by it through ads, social media posts, comments from friends and family, and more. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself as you learn to ditch diet culture for good. 

By: Allie Lokken, MS, RDN, LDN, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor