Grandma called it roughage. We call it Fiber.

Fiber comes in many different forms, so it’s really up to you to find the sources that work best for you! Fiber is often thought of as a way to keep the digestive tract moving, but it actually has many other benefits too. Adding fiber to your diet can lower cholesterol levels, control blood sugar levels, increase satiety, lower high blood pressure, etc. Honestly, the list could go on and on. That being said, eating a small amount of fiber at every meal is a great way to begin. 

Here are 10 FANTASTIC sources of fiber to get you started:

  1. Whole grains (oatmeal, cheerios, whole grain bread…) 

  2. Lentils, peas, and beans

  3. Avocados

  4. Berries

  5. Apples & Pears

  6. Nuts

  7. Potatoes (sweet and white)

  8. Broccoli

  9. Brussels sprouts

  10. Squash

Balance is key, so if you don’t normally include much fiber in your diet you’ll want to start slow and work yourself up to larger quantities to let your GI tract adjust. The daily recommendation for fiber is 25 or more grams per day. You can divide this up over a days worth of meals by shooting for ~5-8 grams at each meal time and then 3-5 grams at a snack time. Consistent intake over time leads to a happy healthy digestive tract. If you struggle with having consistent daily, or every other day, bowel movements we are happy to troubleshoot this with you.