Rest to the Rescue!

Rest days can come in many different forms and for many different reasons. In short: everyone is different, but everyone needs rest.  Nobody's body is built to go, go, go all the time without associated downtime. But, when it comes to recovering, finding time to rest and recharge can be daunting. Looking at the amount of chores and to-do items can leave us paralyzed with what to do first.  Do we really need to do all of the things? Or, can we just pick a few and leave some time to rest too? Eventually, our bodies will make us take a break if we don't set aside some down time. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Everyone needs rest. Even Olympic athletes, even your best friends, and yes, even YOU. Comparison can be tough to battle during a rest period, but you can do it.  It just may feel uncomfortable.   

  • See if you can enjoy it. Sometimes I have clients tell me that they feel guilty for enjoying time off. They worry that they won't find the motivation to keep going if they find peace in the stillness.  Interestly, the opposite is true. When we enjoy the break, we find that our bodies are ready to go again, AND may actually have more get up and go than we thought.  

  • Talk therapy helps. If you're finding it hard to slow down and take care of yourself, text a family member, friend, registered dietitian (like us), licensed mental health professional.  More people than you realize can relate. 

Rest days have so many benefits; here are just a few:

  • Mental rest. This is arguably one of the most important benefits to slower days. Constant bombardment from endless amounts of information through social media, news outlets, our jobs, families, etc. While not all of this information is negative, our brains are simply not wired to be exposed to all that we experience nowadays. Rest days give us time to step away from all the figures, facts, and statistics and focus on ourselves. 

  • Physical rest. Not only can we become mentally drained, but our bodies can also be drained. Low energy, mood swings, sore muscles, etc. are signs that our body needs a day off. Our bodies have breaking points and if we do not rest, they will force us to. More specifically, women athletes who struggle with amenorrhea may not be giving their bodies the rest they need or fueling adequately for sport (see our latest post on recovering from amenorrhea for more information). 

  • After rest, most people feel more rejuvenated and energized. In turn, this can help with improved mood in the everyday hustle and bustle of things. 

  • As clinicians, we understand that not everyone has the luxury of getting to relax multiple times a week, or even once a week! However, if the opportunity presents itself, remember that your body needs it. Don’t be afraid to enjoy the rest day while also looking forward to future activities! 

By Trinny Duncan, Intern Nutrition Student