Beat the Breakfast Blues

Breakfast can be a tricky meal for a lot of people. For example, many health and wellness influencers tell you that you must eat certain foods to make it a “perfect” breakfast, others say to skip it at all costs. The truth is, the most important thing is making sure that you are fueled and ready to start your day. It doesn’t matter whether you eat something savory or sweet, whether or not your coworker decided to “have coffee for breakfast”, or if you had a late dinner the night before. One thing is for sure, if you are listening to your body’s hunger cues and working to put together a combination of macronutrients in the morning, you’ll reap the benefits of what we call the “staying power of foods” needed to fuel your body for the next 3-4 hours or so.

Here are a few breakfast ideas to start your day on the right foot and get you excited to conquer the day!

  1. Blueberry muffin with greek yogurt and a banana

  2. Scrambled eggs with brown rice, salsa, spinach, cheese, black beans, and guacamole in a tortilla

  3. Oatmeal made with milk and topped with granola, nut butter, banana, and/or fresh berries (this can also be turned into overnight oats!)

  4. Hard boiled egg with sourdough avocado toast and orange juice

  5. Pancakes/waffles (frozen or fresh) topped with maple syrup/honey, nut butter, and fresh fruit (we love Kodiak Cakes mixes and pre-made frozen foods)

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These are just a few ideas to adjust to fit your needs in the morning! Remember, breakfast does not have to be a fuss and all of these recipes can be made ahead of time. Breakfast can be a very healing and rejuvenating practice. Don’t miss out!

Written by Trinny Duncan, Student Intern and Peggy Pratt, PhD, RDN, LDN, CEDS-C